Property Taxes

Property Taxes

The Town of Lamont has continued its' efforts to support the community during the ongoing recovery from COVID-19 and inflationary pressures. Keeping in mind that property taxes fund and maintain core municipal services, programs and infrastructure that citizens rely on every day.


Official News Release:  Property Tax News 2024


The 2024 Combined Assessment & Tax Notice will be mailed May 15, 2024. Taxes are due June 30, 2024. Outstanding tax account balances after June 30, 2024 are subject to the following penalties:

July 1: 12%                 January 1: 18%

How are property taxes calculated?

A tax rate is the rate of taxation applied against the assessed value of property within a municipality to collect the revenue required by the various taxation authorities. Normally the tax rate is expressed in mills (dollars in tax per thousand dollars of assessed property value) or sometimes as a percentage of an assessed property's value. For example, a tax rate of 1.5% on a property valued at $100,000 would require a payment of $1,500 in property tax.

How do I pay my taxes?

Tax Payment Information:

Taxes are billed based on the calendar year and are due on June 30, 2024.

There are several options for paying taxes:

• After hours mail slot – located in the east door of Town Office located at 5307-50 Avenue, Lamont
• At most financial institutions (Roll number is your account number) Allow at least 3 days for receipt of payment
• Mail to: PO Box 330, Lamont, AB, T0B 2R0 (Make cheque payable to the Town of Lamont and include remittance portion)
• Telephone or online banking (Choose Lamont (Town) Property Tax, Roll number is your account number)
• Monthly Tax Installment Payment Plan
• Credit cards are now accepted for tax payment through OptionPay
• E-transfer - using email: include your Roll# as reference

You may also set up a preauthorized monthly withdrawal with the Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP):

Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)

What if I have questions about my property assessment?

Assessment Information for Residential Property Owners 2025

Review your property assessment notice to ensure:

  • Your name and address are correct
  • The property classification (residential, farmland, non-residential) correctly describes your property

Next, compare the assessment on your notice to the typical market value of your property as of July 1 of the previous year. You may compare your assessment to the assessments of other properties similar in size, age, quality, condition and location.

To check that your property assessment is fair in relation to other similar properties in Town, you may view the other properties to compare to here:

Complete 2025 Assessment Roll

Assessment Value Information

The assessment value on your notice is based on the estimated market value of your property on July 1st of the previous year and any physical changes up to December 31.  

You are encouraged to talk to an assessor if you have concerns about the assessment as it relates to your property tax notice. Please also keep in mind that the assessor does not set the tax rates in the municipality, and therefore cannot answer questions about property taxation. Nor can they answer questions about the amount of services you receive. For tax rate questions, for questions about services, or for general inquiries please contact the Town Office.

Once you have compared your new assessment to its previous year's market value and to the assessment of similar neighbouring properties, and if you still have questions or concerns about your assessment, contact the Town’s Assessor, Tanmar Consulting Inc

How do I file a complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the assessment after talking with an Assessor, you may file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board. The deadline to file an ARB Complaint/Appeal is July 21, 2024.

To file an assessment complaint to the Assessment Review Board:

  1. You must complete an ARB Complaint form. If you are using a tax agent, please complete the Agent Authorization form as well. The forms are also available at the Town Office. Form(s) must be filled out completely by the assessed person or taxpayer of the property, including the reasons for your complaint. The Assessment Review Board cannot hear matters that are not listed on your complaint. Be prepared to present your evidence at the hearing.
  2. The appropriate fee(s) must accompany the complaint form - $50.00.
  3. The form(s) must be returned by the date specified on the front of this notice (except for linear property) to:
Town of Lamont
Clerk, Assessment Review Board
P.O. Box 330
Lamont, AB T0B 2R0

Note: An assessment complaint does not exempt you from paying taxes on time or from late payment penalties. If a complaint is successful, the adjustment will be applied to your tax account. Refund requests must be made in writing.

Click here for tips for preparing for your hearing.