The first settlers came to the Lamont area in 1892 from Parry Sound, Ontario. By the turn of the century, they were joined by many immigrants from Europe. Most of whom took homesteads north and east of the current site of Lamont. In 1902, Bloomfield School was built on the current plot where Lamont Elementary is today. Another settlement began. In 1905, the Canadian Northern Railway had surveyed for the right-of-way and for a town site. The people of the area showed no preference for a name and, in turn, the Canadian Railway company named the site “Lamont” after The Honorable Mr. Justice Lamont, formerly of the Supreme Court of Canada. The Town consisted of Main Street and Railway Avenue. This brought many businesses to the area including a hotel, a hardware store, a real estate office, and a hotel, to mention a few. Lamont became a hub and many farmers brought their stock and grain from great distances. In 1912, a hospital was added to the Town which continues to service all surrounding areas. Since the 1950s, world renowned corporations have chosen to locate in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland, taking advantage of its many benefits. Fast forward to 1998, Lamont County became one of three Counties in the Alberta Industrial Heartland Association. The Town of Lamont borders onto the SE corner of the Alberta Heartland, one of the world’s most attractive industry locations for chemical, petro-chemical, oil, gas investment and the world’s largest hydrocarbon processing region.